Do you think that although you have a good education, good professional knowledge, and experience, you do not deserve your place—luckily, you are in that position—that you are not as smart or successful as people think and that one day you will emerge? Then you are not alone. Work and education are full of people who feel like you.

Impostor syndrome is a psychological pattern in which a person is successful not because of his abilities, talents, or skills but because of luck. This means the psychological pattern when a person doubts his own ability when successful and has a constant internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. 

Why do women have impostor syndrome?

Impostor syndrome is a psychological pattern that a woman is successful not because of ability. There is no definite answer to why someone has impostor syndrome. Some experts believe it has to do with personality traits such as anxiety or neuroticism. 

While some experts also focus on patterns of upbringing in the family environment that can cause impostor syndrome.  Sometimes childhood memories, such as feeling that your grades were never good enough for your parents or that your sibling was superior to you in some area, can leave a lasting psychological impact.  

Also, factors outside of oneself, such as the educational or work environment, can develop feelings of impostor syndrome. This is especially true for someone in a group that has a high level of competence. 

What are women with this syndrome like?

The woman who suffers from this syndrome, in addition to thinking and feeling everything, experiences other symptoms that define it. We tell of women who find it difficult to reward themselves for things but who reproach each other in a loop for every mistake they make. They are women who constantly feel guilt, fear, or insecurity and think they are living a ‘big lie’. 

They are people with low self-esteem who feel that they do not have the skills to carry out their work. They are perfectionists and demanding women who are permanently unsatisfied. And, sometimes, when they suffer all these symptoms, they end up throwing in the towel’, feeling unmotivated and apathetic, being unable to enjoy life as they did before.

What consequences do women who suffer from it experience?

Experiencing this syndrome and not coping with it can lead, as explained, to not integrating a worthy personal identity and not forging healthy self-esteem. Also in irritability, anguish, impotence, and anxiety. On a physical level, all these mental consequences can end in physical and health problems.

How to deal with impostor syndrome?

1. Notice

First, be aware of the problem. Perhaps consulting someone who knows your feelings can make you aware of your problem. Talking to others will also show you that many people have the same problem. Impostor syndrome is an extremely normal, common feeling.

2. Be aware of your expertise

Don’t just look at those who are more experienced than you. Working with young students, new graduates, for example, will show you how much you know and how far you have come.

Don’t try to be a perfectionist

Don’t focus on perfectionism. There is no such thing as being the best, look at the value you add.

3. Everyone can feel stupid

You may feel stupid at times. This is normal, it happens to everyone. Feeling stupid doesn’t mean you’re stupid.

4. Take on your achievements

Don’t just take responsibility for your failures, mistakes, take responsibility for your successes and learn to celebrate success. Overcoming Imposter syndrome requires ‘self-acceptance’. You deserve where you are, luckily you are not there, claim your success.

5. Go to a counselor

Individual therapies are very helpful. You can consult a psychologist or therapist before this syndrome ruins your career.

One way to deal with impostor syndrome is by sharing your feelings with a trusted friend or mentor. People who have had more experience can assure you that what you are feeling is normal.


Most people have moments of self-doubt, and that is normal. However, if it is necessary, you can seek professional psychological help for handling impostor syndrome.

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