We are always looking for the best DIY beauty tips that will change our lives. How do our favorite celebrities do it?  We think it’s impossible to do the same because it must be expensive. This article will show just what we can do at home to enhance our beauty and health.

1- Dry Brushing

This is an anti-cellulite treatment that works wonders. It also helps to improve circulation and give you smooth skin. All you need is a dry brush with a wooden handle. Using circular motions upward, scrub your body before your shower.

Then you can finish off with a homemade scrub made from coffee grinds, sugar or salt, and coconut oil.

2- Face oil

You don’t need any fancy oil for your face. A simple one you can buy from the pharmacy will work wonders. Essential oils can be good for the skin. Look for either almond, grapeseed, argan, Omega-3, or Vitamin E oils.

3- Face massages

A massage does wonders for your body, leaving you feeling brand new. It can have the same effect on your face. When applying your moisturizer, also do up and down strokes on your face. A lovely face massage can make you look younger.

4- Buy more at the drugstore

The drugstore can have some very affordable products that can help you with your DIY beauty regime. Celebrities shop there too. Aquafor, Vaseline, Boots No.7 and Avene, are products that many women have used and seen brilliant results.

5- Potatoes de-puff eyes

Here is a tip you probably had no idea about. You can use potatoes slices to reduce the bags under your eyes and get rid of puffy redness. All you have to do is dip the slices in cold water for a little bit and then put them on your eyes. It’s the same treatment as teabags and cucumbers.

6- Sunscreen

I’m sure you’ve heard this tip before. Always wear sunscreen. Some celebrities swear by this; this way, your skin is protected.

7- Your bedding is everything

The place you put your head to sleep at night matters because it can affect your skin.  Silk pillowcases are a bit pricey, but they are worth it. You will not get fine lines, your blowout hairstyle will last longer, and your skin will be rejuvenated.

8- Drink water after brushing your teeth

After a good night’s sleep, when you wake up and brush your teeth, drink a large bottle of water. This will rejuvenate you, rehydrate you, and wake up your digestive tract. It replenishes all the moisture you would have lost all night.

9- Honey as a face mask

Raw honey is very good for the skin. It contains antibacterial properties, making it suitable for skin affected by acne. Apply it to the skin and leave it on for ten minutes. Wash it off afterward, and you can feel the difference. It might not show results instantly, but give it time; it will pay off.

10- Use baking soda for whiter teeth

You can mix three drops of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda for those pearly whites. If you use this as toothpaste, your teeth will shine.

11- Use hair conditioner to shave your legs

Hair conditioner will not only moisturize but also soften the hair, making it easier to shave off. This way, you can save money instead of buying shaving foam.

12- Evening primrose for spots

Evening primrose has anti-inflammatory properties. It works well for healing spots, taking the redness out of it. Apply it before bed and keep it on overnight. You will not be disappointed.

13- Vaseline

This simple product is a wonder. You can use it for different things. Before bed, you can apply it to your feet and wear socks; it will soften your feet. When dying your hair, use it to prevent staining your skin. It works as a significant barrier. If you have unruly eyebrows, Vaseline can keep them in check.

14- Lemon peel can remove nail varnish stains

Sometimes our nails get stained by dark nail polish. All you have to do is rub the nail with a lemon peak, and it clears it. Lemon juice can also help whiten your nail tips by soaking them in.

15- Exfoliate with an orange

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, which is good for your skin. With the acid from the orange, you can just cut it up and use it to exfoliate your elbows and knees.

16- Shave your legs last

Some people, after shaving, get bumpy, or the legs are irritable, making it an unpleasant experience. Try to do it at the end of your shower, when your pores are open and your hair has become softer.

17- Keep your beauty products in the fridge

Are you looking for a way to have your products last longer? Putting them in the fridge helps. Products like lipsticks, eyeliners, and eyebrow pencils will become firmer. This also works for nail polish; it will make it last longer.

18- Mix some products

Mixing a drop of serum (especially Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair) with your foundation can give your skin an extra shine.

19- Peppermint oil with your lip gloss

If you are looking for a bit of a pout, put a drop of peppermint oil in your lipgloss, and despite the tingle, you will have a lovely pout.

20- Beauty Tips for Hair

This is a list of beauty tips for hair, that you can use:

Metal hair clips

Trying to blow out at home can be difficult, but metal hair clips can come in handy. You use them to partition your hair into sections when blow-drying and brushing your hair. It’s a faster way of getting that sleek look at home.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can work wonders for deep conditioning treatments. It is one of the easiest DIY hair treatment tips. All you have to do is apply it to your hair and leave it in for twenty minutes, and then you wash it out with shampoo twice. This is as good as treatment at the salon.

Take good care of your extensions

If you have extensions, I’m sure you can appreciate that they are not cheap and need to be taken care of. The process can be tedious, but it is necessary. To make sure their value is not lost, have professionals take care of them every six weeks.

Mayonnaise can protect your hair

Just before shampooing your hair, apply mayonnaise to the bottom half of your hair. This helps to protect it from losing its moisture and drying out as you shampoo. Just make sure you rinse thoroughly afterward. This will give your hair a beautiful, luscious look.


Your favorite celebrities look fantastic using these simple DIY tips, and you can look amazing too. You can look fabulous while saving money. Give them a try.

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